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zumba benefits weight loss

zumba benefits weight loss

hey guys, paul from ultimatefatburner hereand today i'm going to give 4 reasons why drinking more water is the easiest way tolose weight and i'm going to show you, hands down, the easiest way ever, to lose 20 poundsover the next year. 20 pounds! i'll be back in less than 10 seconds, don'tgo anywhere, you're not going to want to miss this one! alright welcome back! ok, i promised you 4ways that drinking water helps you lose weight, so without any further delay, let's get rightinto it! as usual, if you want to check out the clinical references that we used to cometo our conclusions, you'll find a link to our full article under this video.alright, you ready? ok perfect. here we go...

1. drinking water appears to elevate the study found that drinking 500 ml of water elevated the metabolism by 30% for short periodof time. theoretically, drinking 2 liters of water per day could have a fairly significanteffect on the amount of calories your body burns at rest. cool, huh? who knew? 2. drinking more water reduces the amountof calories you consume at your meals. in other words, if you drink more, you eat less!also, cool! 3. even mild dehydration can negatively affectyour mood! if you're dieting, the last thing you want is too feel mildly depressed. waterhelps keep your mood elevated and your concentration levels high. what's not to like?

4. remember how i said i would show you theeasiest way ever to lose 20 pounds over the next year well get this - one study showedthat replacing high calorie beverages with water can reduce the amount of caloriesyou consume on daily basis by approximately 200. now that doesn't sound like a lot - yeah, i agree - until you start doingthe math; 200 calories per day is 6000 calories per month, or 73,000 per year. that's equivalent of about 20 pounds of pure uglyfat! just by replacing sweetened beverages with water! can you think of an easier way to drop 20pounds? i sure can`t. no treadmills, no stairclimbers, no spin classes,no weight training, no zumba no nothing. just replace

sweetened beverages with water. that`s it! that's all you do! ok guys, i hope that convinces you how usefuldrinking lots of water can be for weight loss! in the meantime, let us know in the comments- do you drink lots of water daily? how has it worked for you? what do you think? we'd love to hear your comments as would ourviewers. additionally, if you're not a subscriber tothis channel, please do subscribe now - it's completely free, it will really me out andyou'll be updated when we post new videos. thanks again for watching, and i'll see yousoon in another video.

and in the meantime... drink up!

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