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zuma dance

zuma dance

yo yo yo yo wassupwe've changed in 2 minutes - i'm breathless - welcome back to the 5 show tomorrow singapore hosts the vibe beach sports & music festival at siloso beach dance and exercise enthusiasts are gearing up for the zumba workout party at the beach now to prepare all of us at home and show us some zumba moves we have celebrity instructor alix... pfrunder - did i said it right? - that's good that's good ok, tell us what's gonna happen on ummm...

it's gonna be an amazing zumba experience on the beach at vibe so, you can expect easy to follow choreography, good music on the beach with the sunset it's gonna be amazing! ooh i can't wait but please tell us what's...what is zumba? is it like rumba in the zoo or something like that? i don't really know what zumba is zumba is a mix between dance and fitness on latin and international rhythms

so it's like exercise in disguise you can burn up to 800 calories without feeling that you are working out! - it's really good!- dancing involved?- yes but does that mean only people with a good sense of rhythm... no, no, no, it's for everybody! it's for everybody, everybody can do it!everybody at home everybody with dvds or following an instructor in a zumba class

there are a lot of zumba classes around the world 180 countries 15 million people are dancing zumba every week that's really for everybody so that's why zumba is so successful in the world wow, ok! but then even kids can do it? yes! we do have zumba kids program designed especially for kids soeverybody can do it what is the one thing, the one advice youwant to give to people

who are thinking of joining zumba just go for it! go to have fun! enjoy the classes don't put too much pleasure on you.. ... too much pressure? sorry my french do you have to do... do you ever warm up for a zumba class a fitness warm-up to do a zumba class? - do you have to do stretching and stuff - every class you have to do step-touch, a basic fitness warm-up- ok! awesome, you know what i think alix is now gonna demonstrate a bit of zumba lesson for us

we are novices... en lai, what are you doing?- i'm warming up! - my elbows...- stretching, stretching ok, me and en lai are total novices!we have never done this before in our lives - it's gonna be easy- you sure?- yes - ok let's do it! - you are very enthusiastic! ok i'm gonna show you! guys xx okay so that's bases that yesyes that's good that's good site yet them back if she okay so i'm everyoneeveryone at home aside for you guys to also get up yetdowntempo love rise gets up and i'm join

us and learn some of these moves ok and stopeating as well because you might start spitting out one andonly to have the same time now after okay yes yeah that's it here the big al does governor see ya being held down by themale-female guard to hear yet engaged in the car guy mike bars i am where's my car some very nice are you plant goodnightkato kaelin about the past 10

media me on if you want to call yourhouse or to and then she so all i decided to gotta get my to give him a graceful i think i get itokay i think it's all these other is that is is there and now the basicknow that you guys do like a touchdown something something something good justlike this you like the i can look amazing theseamong the three hundred leaving thats tamil slowly also known as: siteto site okay that here on i

missiles on and the back in the middle on greeted me i'm not sure he knows that's about it toeverybody you doing gotta okay ghouls okay all shots shots miami got too muchhotter here gots good why don't you just leave this to the experts 02 okay states

by now get a win it's heretical forcecontent yes that's a look and now we have and beauty and the beast thecontest to win as and congratulations and next monday ihear the risk of developing diabetes and on tuesday national cinema as hegets mad let's russell all will be making waves with us not humid any other shows the five show is onlinecash celebrity interviews and wet explosives on youtube dot com slash the five showi'm yes man on man live we will see you

on monday getting ready to go by good ste she time its these is the occult anesthesiology sharegood guy

glitches may have go good good

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