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what's zumba

what's zumba

- indoor recess 5, pop see marshmallow party rock. howdy ya'll, i'm coach terry, and you can call me coach terry, and you can call thisindoor recess, yesiree. i got a mashup of a whole bunch of gonoodle videos and games. ya'll stand up and move along to get those ants out of your pants.

let's get started with a warm up, yeehaw. - greetings my friends, it is i, maximo, and today we're goingto get leggy with it, cirque du so-leggy. na na na getting leggy with it. so, shall we begin? yes, yes we shall. stand with your feet almost together, and your hands, they'rein front of your heart.

find a spot to stare at infront of you to balance. good, spread your arms wide tokeep you steady like freddy. you know freddy? he's my cousin. shift your weight onto onefoot, extend your other leg, and lift your foot off the floor, even just a little bit. and now, circle your foot at the ankle. try circling it in one direction,

and then the other. and fast and slow. yes. stop and breathe, and let us circle our lower leg. circle it both ways, this way, and that way, slow it down, or speed it up. how do you say, "it'sup to you, my peeps."

stop, breathe, and let us go crazy like daisy, my other cousin. she's actually crazy. and circle our whole entireleg starting at your heel. your knee can stay bent or straight. oh yes, it's the cirquedu so-leg, my friends. your breath is moving,your leg is going around, and around, and around, and around. go in the other direction now.

circle that leg in thecircle-ist circle-y circle that its ever circled, yes. now, bring your foot down,let your arms hang down and rest as you settlefor a moment and breathe. the cirque du so-leg calls to us again. stare at your spot, shift yourweight onto the other foot, extend your arms out wide, lift your foot and circle it. slow it down then switch directions.

just your foot is moving, so circular, so leggy. stop, breathe, and now the lower legcircles, circles like life, round and round and round like the circle game, both directions. stop, breathe. now, circle your hip. your knee can be bent or straight,

or brent or strent. circle big. try slowing down just a bit. breathe, switch directions. keep that circle duso-leg going and going, round and round, marvelous. i'm so impressed. you are so circle-y, so leggy,so very cirque du so-leggy. until next time myfriends, (speaks spanish).

(popping spring) - hey, neal? - hey, what? - are you ready? - for what? - to pop. - pop what? - pop see ko! - my hands are high, my feet are low,

and this is how i pop see ko. - his hands are high, his feet are low, and this is how pop see kos. - [both] pop see ko, pop pop see ko, pop see ko, pop pop see ko. - hey, brian? and this is how he pop see kos. - hey, jeb? - [both] his hands arehigh, his feet are low,

- [all] pop see ko, pop pop see ko, - hey, clarence? - [all] his hands arehigh, his feet are low, pop see ko, pop pop see ko, - hey, hotdog? - [all] her hands arehigh, her feet are low, and this is how she pop see kos. hey, class? are you ready?

to pop. pop see ko! your hands are high, your feet are low, and show us how you pop see ko. (cheering) - we did it, great work everybody. - we're going to pick up thepace now for the workout. get ready to get sweaty, yesiree. sometimes champs get in sticky situations.

well ya'll get stepping onthe gigantic marshmallow. lift your knee high and stomp down, lift the other knee high and stomp down, lift and stomp, lift andstomp, lift and stomp. they're mushy, they'resmushy, they're growing. faster, lift and stomp, liftand stomp, lift and stomp. high knees, champs. higher, stompier, faster. sweet, you've mallowedthose marshies, good stuff.

(upbeat techno music) (cheering and applause) - [voiceover] are youready to run with us? on your mark, get set, go!(fog horn) you've won a gold medal! ♫ when you see who ♫ touch your shoe ♫ when you see what ♫ march hot hot

♫ when you see where ♫ flip your hair ♫ when you see when ♫ bend ♫ when you see why ♫ come on fly ♫ who shoe who who who ♫ what hot hot hot what ♫ where, hair, keep your hair in the air

♫ when, bend, do it again ♫ why, fly in the classroom sky ♫ whoo ♫ faster ♫ what hot what hot what ♫ whoo even faster now ♫ whoo faster than ever now ♫ why, fly in the classroom sky ♫ (laughter)

oh wait, how? - teams are friendly. ya'll raise arm in theair like you're waving. raise the other, hot diggity. keep your arm straight andraise one and then the other. say hi teacher, hi friend,hi principal joe, hi maximo! (speaks spanish) coach teddy! yeehaw. move your arms faster,

feel that stretch in your shoulders as you see hello-ders to everyone. all right now, it's timeto go, so wave goodbye. nice work ya'll, let's cool it on down. cool it, cool it. - hey, brian, do you have a milkshake? - no, but i have a... - [both] secret handshake! (playful techno music)

- get a partner. dip it. - [both] huh! - now you try. - one more time, dip it. - [both] huh. - [brian] squirrel. (squirrel chattering) now you try.

squirrel. - one more time, squirrel. lumberjack.(sawing) timber! - one more time, lumberjack. (sawing) timber!(crash) - time to mash it up. jack squirrel lumber dip.

(squirrel chattering)(sawing) - now you try, mash it up. - jack squirrel lumber dip. - [voiceover] one more time! - [voiceover] try to sit tall, maybe even a little bit taller. stretch your arms up, reachyour hands toward the ceiling. let yourself yawn if you'd like. breathe in and slowly breathe out.

lower your arms and rest your hands on your knees or on your legs. notice if you're still sitting tall. adjust if you need to. let your chin lower, lookdown toward the ground. now raise your chin up. chin up. gently lower your chin again. and then slowly raise it up.

do a few more on yourown, raising and lowering as if you're nodding your head. slowly. now with your head in the center, breathe in and breathe out. try turning your head to the right. just your head turns. see if your shoulders can stay still. you don't have to turn very much,

just enough to feel comfortable. return to look forward again. notice how it might feeldifferent as you turn to the left. shoulders should be facing front. now turn your head to the right. and then to the left at your own speed. your shoulders might try to creep up, try to keep them down. do another turn to the right.

come back to center. one more time to the left, and again to center. breathe in, breathe out. let's try to tilt to one side, so your ear drops toward your shoulder. let's go to the right. and let's bring yourhead up to the center, and down, tilting to the left.

bring it up again, andnow down to the right. your head comes up one more time, and again down to the left. notice how it feels. now bring your head up to the center. do a few more on your own. (gentle instrumental music) when you're ready to stop, face forward with yourchin up just a little bit,

and close your eyes or keep them open. let your body be still. notice what it's liketo have your chin up, your shoulders down, and your body still. chin up, chin up, chin up. - hot diggity, you didit, nice work ya'll. (speaking italian) for now.

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