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rumba exercise

rumba exercise

this is leslie sack with can always check out my website at and the dance that we’re doing is rumba.the pattern that we’re going to be doing is cross over breaks with the ladies underarmturn right and this is a different turn, this is a quick turn for the ladies. this is themen’s part, it goes like this. so these are forward rocks with cross over breaks soit starts with half of box, slow quick-quick extra side steps and you’re going to bringthis arm down, slow hold your arms in front of you, quick-quick, switch hands quick-quick,do three, slow quick-quick then it’s slow and then you do a back rock, quick-quick she’sturns slow under, fifth position break, quick-quick and box. so the ending is just like thosefifth position breaks that we did earlier,

we’re putting together about three differentthings. so the whole thing is slow quick-quick slow, quick-quick switch, quick-quick slow,quick-quick slow, quick-quick slow, quick-quick slow. so you’re ending a quarter turn toyour left the way you started. again that’s cross over breaks with the ladies underarmturn to the right, the quick ladies underarm turn.

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