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what does zumba mean

what does zumba mean

our next guest is one of the cutestsingers to ever be on my stage. from spring, texas,please welcome kai langer. >> [applause]>> what's going on? >> i lost two teeth. one of them i lost. >> two? how many? two teeth? >> yeah.>> [laugh] >> i lost one of them. my patrick was tickling me on my bed andthen i hid on the bed and it fell out and

the next one the bronco's won the superbowl and they scored a point so, i was so happy i pulled my tooth out. >> [laugh][applause] >> you were so happy the broncos scored thatyou pulled your own tooth out? >> yeah. >> wow. and did the tooth fairy give you anything? i thought she was gonna give me gold,but she gave me $2.

>> [laugh]>> but $2 is pretty good. that's a dollar per tooth. >> well, yeah. >> [laugh]>> but i thought she, i would like gold better. >> really? like a big bar of gold? >> well i thought it was just going tobe a small one because my dad said, i think he said that he got a gold,and he hasn't.

well maybe next time the toothfairy will give him gold. [laugh]>> yeah, maybe. >> [laugh]>> the tooth fairy watches this show and i think next time the toothfairy is gonna give you gold. >> [laugh]>> so you turned how, your seven now right? >> yeah.i'm seven years old. >> what did you get for your birthday? what do you want to do?

>> i wanted,my goal is to try to get a six pack. >> [laugh]>> so, i've been working on the bowflex. but i haven't got it yet,but i'm trying to get it. >> [laugh]>> your goal is to have a six pack? >> [laugh]>> yeah. >> and that's you on the bowflex? >> [laugh]>> wow. >> and are you working out everyday? >> well, kind of.

maybe on the weekends. >> it feels like you'vegot some packs going on. that's good. and you're a big soccer fan, right? >> yeah, i'm a really big soccer fan. i really wanna be a soccer playerwhen i grow up and i wanna play for the la galaxy. >> you like the galaxy, right? >> [applause]>> yeah.

>> they're very good. you went to go see them? >> yeah.>> you went to go see them right? >> yeah, i got to see them andit was really cool. i got to walk out onthe field with zardes and at the end he gave me his jerseyfrom the game and it was really wet. that does look like thatwould have been wet. yeah. but that's really cool he gave you that.

were you excited to get that? >> yeah, i was really, really excited. didn't you watch them in a suite? >> yeah, i thought the suite was likea place where you get candy or something. >> [laugh]>> well, why wouldn't you? a suite sounds like therewould be sweets in there. >> yeah.>> but it was a nice, it's a box, right? >> yeah, i saw the place we weregoing to sit, and i'm like, ooh, thank goodness we got these seats instead.

i couldn't even imagine sitting there. >> [laugh]>> getting a little jaded are you? all right so,every time you're here you sing a song and what song are you singing today? >> cake by the ocean. >> and then have you been rehearsing it? >> yeah, i've been practicing andi've been practicing at recess. >> good, well okay, so we get tohear cake by the ocean now right? >> yeah, i'm gonna sing it.

>> okay, great. [music] >> [applause] >> that's kai langer. we'll be right back. so, you want to be a soccer player. >> yeah.>> right. and you like the galaxy, andthat's who you want to play for, right? >> yeah, i wanna be a soccer player andplay for them.

>> okay. well, guys, come on out. >> yeah, right? >> [applause]>> how are you? >> good. >> hi, how are you? >> nice to see you. >> how are you? >> good to see you.

how's everybody doing? >> [applause]>> good. go ahead and stand there. >> all right, sohe's gonna be on your team at some point. >> yes, well first of all ellenwe'd like to say thank you for having us on your show. it's a great honor,the galaxy are huge, huge fans of you. >> thank you. >> and secondly, as you know the galaxyalways looking for big, big stars, and

there's no one bigger than kai. so, we'd like to offerhim a galaxy contract. so, there it is. >> you have a contract. >> [applause]>> here you go kai, your first professional jersey. >> i'll hold this one. >> so, here we have your firstprofessional jersey, kai. >> isn't that fantastic?

>> [applause]>> the la galaxy also has a gift for our audience. everyone here is getting a pair of ticketsto a game to go see the game to go see-

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