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hey guys welcome to puerto viejo we are on the caribbean side of costa rica and i've got another yoga workout class for you today this yoga workout class is going to be focused on your legs were going to be working through different pilates exercises infused with yoga postures to give you a nice strengething and lentheing workout for those of you that are looking for a longer workout today go ahead and combine this video with

my ukranian lower body workout video to give you exactly what you need otherwise if you're ready grab a mat and lets do it alright were going to begin in a seated position starting by simply rounding the spine arching the back inhale again rounding the spine

and then coming into neutral position reaching the arms forwards scooping the belly come down about half way single legged hold extending the left leg shoulders staying diwn go ahead reach for that leg until you slowly release

stretch out the hamstring a little bit feel free to massage the leg mentally prepare yourself for our next move single legged bridge to start arms up go ahead lift the pelvis then tae it down doing eight of these and three and five

last one hold it up lift the bottom heel off the ground all were doing here is just holding that leg deep breath in slowly from here release the heel bend the left knee give me baby pulses hold grab that knee pull to chest

extend the right leg rock the leg side to side then open just breath think about pulling knee to shoulder looking over your left shoulder come back to center straight single leg stretch lift the bottom leg above the ground focus on the breathing inhale into your nose

bend one to chest wonderful releasing the leg reaching the arms over your head forward folf allowing yourself to sink little deeper go further by trying to grab your big toes if you can pulling your body forward if thats too hard continue to hold on or behind the knees

awesome releasing the legs lets take a reversed upwards plank lifting the pelvis throwing the head back squeezing the glutes just holding this position make your day down reverse the whole sequence on other leg shoulders down

extending the right leg engaging through that core reach for that leg with control come down bend the knee or keep it straight go ahead extend the leg give it a nice stretch when you're ready go ahead and point your toes 8 bridge lifts for one

back heel off the mat on tippy toe hold and engage breath lifting as high as you can towards the sky bend the top leg and take baby pulses drop the heel to the floor slowly take it down grab that right knee

extend the left leg stretch add a rock of the knee hug right knee pull to the side exhale spinal twist right knee across right arm opens looking over the right shoulder and just breathing here inhale into your nise let go of tension as you exhale

go ahead with single leg stretch pulling as close to your body as posisble lifting that over leg holding this position forst forhead reaching towards the knee prepare ourselves for straight single legged switches modify by dropping the head down keep going awesome grab the leg

releasing the body reaching over the head exhale roll up arms up and take your seated forward fold wonderful job this time see if you can go a little bit further do not fold from your back fold from the hips only

reach the arms up exhale arms to the side come to seated arms reaching side stretch slowly come to centre other side make sure you're grounded feeling that nice stretch let go of tension

inhale into your nose awesome come back to center arms forward hollow the belly coming into boat posture bring the hands to the floor to make it easier toe touches were doing 12 here hold

allowing the shoulder to release were going to come into cat cow exhale arch the back round and arch slwoly come up to downward dog take the time to release the hastring deep breath into your nose exhale walk your feet to the top of your mat

rounding through to your plank nice and slow shoulders over the wrists hold the position belly bottom right into your spine then slowly rounding through into plank take 4 pushups take ti down

you can come down to the knees two more take a flow upwards facing dog then exhale push back to downward dog walk it out reaching the right leg up hold for a moment bending the right knee

plank touch right knee to elbow extend all the way up repeating 3 more times bend the top knee exhale come to plank touching the right elbow two more times last time inhale exhale exhale release the foot downward dog

chaturanga upward dog downward facing dog walk out the dog right leg up pigeon pose right knee to right thumb finding your center come down with your body

awesome this is a great time to let go exhale out of your mouth allowing yourself to surrender to the floor lift your body tuck your toes come up take your flow upward gacing dog

exhale downward facing dog lets take it to the other side exhale out body melt into the ground exhale let it go from here step back into the downward dog one last time come down to childspose taking a deep breath in

slowly roll yourself up taking a breath come to seated position rest your hands on the knees big head roll to one side letting go of any tension other side arms reaching up to the ceiling exhale hands down

bowing downt o your heart thanking yourself for your wonderful practice thank you guys so much i hope you have the most amazing rest of your day namaste

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