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what us zumba

what us zumba

what up guys tanya beardsley from zumba fitness and i am hanging out with my homies at shaoe i have a few fitness philosophies and one ofthem is you you have to unlock your mindbefore your body will ever unlock if you're locked up here then nothing will progress alsoany movement and better than no movement at all the hardest thing to do a lot timesjust to get started for people and when you do you find something fun and you get itstarted and all downhill from there i try and findinspiration in all kinds of things not

just um music and you know other zumba fitnessinstructors but also like art and and family and just things outside thebox that we do that i can kinda take back and somehow portrayed through movements i was working at a gym in florida and people around thegym tell me about you know zumba have you ever heard of zumba the videos i was always more of a dancer

and i was kinda anti-fitness finally i've got two little spot with mydance partner and i actually checked the videos out from the first 30 seconds from the firstminute and i just started to research it i endedup in the first training then you work hard to follow your heart andamazing things happen before i was a zumba fitness instructor iwas a competitive ballroom dancer and a ballroom dance teacher for couples and showcases our competition yeah i teach zumba fitness

to stay in shape and i also try to weight trainlike 4 to 5 days a week as much as i can in the gymbecause that also makes you mentally strong i think that our strong body strong mind a lot of us need to remember thathappiness in your vitamin c you have to be it i think they're trying to eat everythree hours in a small meal is help you throughout the entire day and a lot of people will try to not eat but it's very important that you actually do eat

backwards always before class of before training i try to get like a protein shakein me to have a good carb to give me a bit of energy and then i was try to givethat back to my body as soon as the workout is over my fitness idle actually besides my mom is actually my brother he's given mea lot of inspiration he is an iron man it push their bodies and their minds tothe absolute limit i'd like to apply myself that way someday my mom a fitnesscompetitor in chile an active lifestyle she taught manyfitness programs for a lot of years and i

i was only a dancer and kinda anti- fitness and now i understand how much work anddedication to that so i have so much for respect for that ican't really explain what it's like to be on stage with major mainstream artist like pitbull wylclep it's surreal in one thing its so cool you know just to have likeeven photo album memories to hopefully show kids in the future

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