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zumba ps3

zumba ps3

i know it can be hard to tell one from theother. something like one in ten releases for the playstation move is a dancing game,and after a while, they all sort of coalesce into this nondescript blur of dance musicand controller waggle. but there’s something even more familiar about this one. i don’tknow, maybe i’m just paranoid, but i think there’s something fishy about this game...somethingmore than just dance. in fact, it might as well have a sticker thatreads, “this is as close as you can get to copying something else without having yourproduct removed from store shelves.” no, really. ask ubisoft. they tried to doexactly that, but a california court said, “no, we’re just going to let them sellthat. we uh, we don’t really see the resemblance.”

“we don’t play the atari.” get up and dance is one of the most shamelessrip-offs i’ve ever seen. if you’ve ever played ubisoft’s just dance games, you’llunderstand. everything about this game has been taken from those ones, the most conspicuousof which are those strange avatars with the silhouettes and creepy eyes. ugh, i think they’re even weirder in thisgame. just like the game upon which its infringementis obvious to everyone except the california court system, get up and dance is a motion-controlleddancing game. you can shake the move controller to 40 songs, following the just dance avatarto moves that also feel quite a bit like just

dance. there are dancing modes, fitness modes,multiplayer modes...this is as standard as it gets for this saturated genre. there’s literally nothing here that makesthis game stand out. except for maybe the legal proceedings. the dancing mode offers individual routinesor a slightly more elaborate story mode, which essentially just groups together differentdance numbers under the premise you have to keep the crowd entertained. what’s moreimportant—and perhaps the game’s best feature for single-player—is its fitnessmode. you make your own routines, each with its own target for burning calories.

if you’re buying a game like get up anddance for any reason other than multiplayer, that’s probably it. otherwise, i have noidea who you are or what you’re thinking. this isn’t a bad game, but it is a gamethat kind of already exists. if you’re shopping for a family member who wants just dance butall the stores are sold out, i guess they probably won’t be too pissed at you forjust getting them this. it’s a decent rip-off, and people won’thate you for buying it for them. that’s really the best thing i can say about getup and dance.

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