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zumba fitness llc

zumba fitness llc

- join me in welcoming our first presenter, custom fitness llc., from west des moines. [clapping] - a study published in may 2014, in a lancet medical journal showed america is now ranked the fattest developed nation in the world. where does iowa stand? iowa is ranked the 12th most obese state in america. hi, my name is cosette, and this is jason, and we are custom fitness. [cosette]today we're going to tell you how custom fitness is going to help combat these numbers in iowa, how we are different than our competitors, how custom fitness is going to grow and make money, and finally, why dream-big-grow-here should invest in custom fitness.

jason and i are both iowans coming back to iowa. we both have degrees from the university of iowa, and a combined 24 years of military experience, and seven combat deployments under our belts. i think it's safe to say we know what it takes to complete a mission. our new mission, combating obesity here in iowa. [jason]hi folks, i'm jason. now you guys got to know a little bit about us, let me ask you a question. how many of you are 100 percent confidant in your ability to put together your own fitness nutrition plan? as well as keep yourself motivated and hold yourself accountable at the same time?

not too many people can do it, it's very difficult, but if you know if there are many well pushed professionals. over 1000 of them live in the des moines area actually, who want to help people just like you. at custom fitness, we want to take these professionals, who are extremely underpaid, and match them up with you. we're going to increase their monthly take home, but we're also going to increase their value to you. the fitness client. at custom fitness, not only will you receive the guidance, motivation, and accountability that everyone so desperately needs. but with access to our personal trainers, group fitness classes such as: zumba,

p90x, and body combat, as well as our free online coaching, we're going to make it impossible for you to fail. additionally, within johnston, we have two competitors currently. both these competitors offer group fitness, now these group fitness programs have extremely large sign-up fees. neither can compete with custom fitness's rates, nor do they offer online coaching or personal training. now speaking of personal training, at custom fitness, each one of our trainers is going to have their very own personal training bay, stocked with all the equipment they're going to need

to serve their client. no more waiting around for equipment, or working in, around, or through somebody elses workout. additionally, they're going to receive monthly marketing, advertising, payment and scheduling software, as well as 24-hour access to their personal training bay. all of this, means that the trainers get to work for themselves. [cosette]so now we've told you what's in it for the client and what's in it for the personal trainer. let's talk numbers. as you can see here, this is going to take you through a scenario of a personal trainer who works 25 hours a week, or 50 half an hour sessions.

a quick look at the numbers, shows that that same personal trainer can more than double what they make, at a regular gym, working at custom fitness. it's a great opportunity for the trainers, and it's a great opportunity for us. here are the numbers. by the end of the first year, we intend on having ten personal trainers in our personal training bays. along with, 150 group fitness members, bringing our total annual revenue to 120,000 dollars. allowing us the opportunity to complete the 3000 square foot basement. moving group fitness into the basement and doubling the amount of personal trainers that we're able

to have on the top floor. doing this is going to take our annual revenue to 210,000 dollars. giving us enough funding to open more fitness studios in iowa as needed. alright folks, now next i'm going to show you our estimated cost to open up custom fitness. now this number also represents the amount that cosette and i are personally investing into this company. now, what you really want to know is, what we're going to do with the 15,000 dollars you give us to make an impact on our community. with 15,000 dollars we can offer our first eight personal trainers their first months rent

for free. additionally, we're going to offer the first 150 people who sign-up with us, for group fitness, their first months membership for free. now you take that in combination with the marketing that custom fitness is going to receive from all of this and that's going to be an immediate of 160 people. that correlates to 160 families in central families, in central iowa, immediately effected and impacted by your contribution to custom fitness. [cosette]in 2013, governor branstad delivered his condition of the state address. he asked a question: "while we're living longer lives. i have to ask, are we living better lives?"

by inducting in custom fitness, dream-big-grow-here is doing their part to show governor branstad, we're on the road to living better lives in iowa. i'm cosette-- [jason]and i'm jason. [both]and we are custom fitness. [clapping]

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