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- so deb, you just got ina few days ago from boston. - true, very true. i did. yeah- over the jet lag yet? - i don't think it's quite hit meyet, the jet lag... this is my second week outin auckland and i didn't actually quite sleep last night 'causeof all the filmings that have been going on that i've just been trying totake it all in... - maybe you won't even have that,that would be good news. - wouldn't that be magical?- so you just now took the rehearsal master class for bodycombat 56...- yes! bodycombat 56...

bananas! it is so amazing,i would say it's definitely a step above i would say it blows everything...every time a new release comes out they say "oh, this is release is the biggestone" - this is the best one!- this one by far! it is above and beyond. bodycombat 56 pushes you tonew levels, new heights and, it's challenging but as they always do,they give you lots of options, lots of levels, absolutely anybody can be successful withit, so it's going to push the veteran andit's going to let the newbie come on in and feel like a rockstar in no time.- cool! awesome! i mean,

i mean it sounds like you're really passionateabout it. you've done how many? just one class so far?- i actually have already snuck in two. - ah! sweet!you're really getting to know it by the time, you know, the filming rolls around youshould be know alreadfy on all the moves. - i certainly hope by the time filmingcomes around, i'll be able to, you know, not trip over my neighbourg.- awesome. well, do you have any specific favorite tracks,or favourite new moves that you saw? like, can you give us a sneak peek?- i would say that track three, really, it feels like a track eight, it's got suchintensity,

that you're like "whoa! alright,that's already coming in so quick!" track six is out of this world.there's some crazy moves that are coming in that i don't think we'reallowed to share with you just yet. there's a lot of quick direction changes,but they lead you through it, they make sure you don't get lost.the moves can be really quick at times and i think that that fast twitch muscle fiber,that firing action can really help us get fitter, faster.- oh my gosh, that sounds awesome! - and then having so much fun at the sametime, i can't think of anything else better in theworld.

- well i cannot wait to do it. cool.well, thank you so much for the heads up, deb.- alright, cool jericho. - i guess we'll see you in class.- thanks!

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