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aerobic dance zumba

aerobic dance zumba

hello, i'm titus mason from,researcher, writer and a type2 diabetic. today i'm going to answer the question, iszumba good for diabetes. but before we get into that, make sure youdownload my free diabetes shopping list, 'the diabetes shopping list: foods to eat and foodsto avoid' by clicking the link below." today, for a change, we are not going to betalking about food. we are going to be talking about another essentialelement in the treatment of diabetes: exercise. the particular exercise we will discuss todayand hopefully answer your question concerns zumba. many of you have probably heard of zumba,some may even know what it is.

but for those who are uncertain about it,let's discuss what zumba is. basically zumba is an aerobic exercise programdesigned to help with cardio. originally it featured movements inspiredby various styles of latin america dance and mostly executed to latin american music. sounds fun already, right? part of the allure to zumba is that it's designedto not feel like a workout, but more of a dance party. at its best, it is done with a group of peopleled by an instructor. proponents of zumba say they don't care ifyou can dance or have rhythm, just have fun

and join the party. one of the sayings of the zumba people isditch the workout, join the party. zumba has evolved over the years in americaand now includes classes like aqua zumba, toning zumba and even kids zumba. most classes last about an hour and accordingto several exercise gurus, one can expect to burn about 370 calories in that time frame. part of the goal of zumba is not only to makethe workout not feel like a workout, but to strengthen the core, melt fat, improve flexibilitywhile getting a great cardio workout. one who decides to take a zumba class canexpect high energy and high impact.

dr. melinda ratini says that zumba is oneof the most fun and versatile fitness crazes to come along in a long time. classes can be geared for just about any fitnesslevel. though most zumba involves high-impact moveslike bouncing and jumping, it can be modified to meet your needs. so, is zumba good for the diabetic? well, we know exercise is good to help improveblood sugar control, boost your overall fitness and reduce your risk for stroke or heart attack. however, it is crucial that you track yourblood sugar before and after such activity

and during if possible. so if you like to move about, dance and havefun while getting in a workout, zumba might just be for you. but as always, consult your health care providerbefore starting any exercise program. i hope this answered your question if zumbais good or bad for diabetes. don't forget to get your diabetes shoppinglist by clicking the link in the description box below. let me know if you have any other diabetesrelated questions. thank youi am titus mason

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