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about zumba fitness

about zumba fitness

welcome back. it's time for 11 fitness. zumba instructer amanda mullins joins us. good morning. now i will say i've watched the class. it doesn't look like something i'm going to get a good workout

in, but you say not so. not so at all. a lot of people think it's not for them. they see crazy movements and instructors doing wild things with their hips and bodies but really it's a dance fitness program for all shapes and

sizes and age ranges, and the music is so infectious that before you know it you're moving your body in all sorts of ways and burning up calories. this is a brand-new exercise program from zumba fitness called zumba step so basically

you're getting all the dance movements and international rhythms of the regular class but the ride to sculpt that lower body targeting the thighs and abouts and glutes, the ultimate lower workout. are you ready? want to give it a go?

i have no rhythm, no coordination. i really don't do well in dance classes, so let's give it a go. let's start with the stepping up and down on the step. so up, up, down, down, can't imagine that there's music with

this? give us some music, deb. then add some arm movements in there. you got it. there you go. now if it gets any fancier than that, i'm done. ok.

so if you come back off the step, we can do a v-step march. ok that's where i'm going to get messed up. out, out, in, in, so we can bring it down off the step. just because you're in a step class you don't need to use the step if you're not comfortable

with it. you can take it down on the floor and still get the -- to maximize your workout. so we'll bring it back up the now you've got too many things going on for me. that's what you have an instructer there for, to queue

you. so up, down, bringing in those merengue moves. upper and lower body. where do you teach this? at 24 hour fitness in annapolis and gold's. do you have a lot of guys in your class?

i actually do have guys in my classes and they actually bring most of the flavor and the fun. women love to see men dance, but the great thing about this program if you're looking for a zumba step or regular zumba program, just log on to and you can find a program or class nearest you or order the latest collection which incorporates the latest program. and you can take this step with you everywhere. amanda, thank you so much. thank you so much for having

me. now, can you do the basic step? yes. and that's all that's important. i'm done. thank you so much for coming in.

miri has another look

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