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about zumba

about zumba

i think, one thing that makes tanya laugh unstoppably is... when she's imitating other people whom she thinks very idiotic. thank you. i have one business, which is called pop your heart. it's a service of making greeting cards, which are customized 3d cards. beside that, i'm a full-time mom, because i bring my son everyday to the office.

usually, my exercises are not very often, because i take care of sada and also work. so, my exercise is usually morning run. about organizing time, i usually write down what my priorities are. it's very important to save time for exercise, because if not, your body could be weary. today i make arrangement with "ibu ibu hot". i want to do zumba with them. and the zumba we're going to do is called "zumset".

"zumba setan" (devilish zumba). what's that? i'm curious. dhuar. / oh my god. i'm really surprised. where were you? you took so long. traffic jam, mam. i've prepared seats. where's sese? she hasn't come yet. i think she's on the way.

since what age did ailee start exercising? two years old if i'm not mistaken. / two years old? she also comes with me when i run in the morning. i think i have to learn from you. my son will also need exercise later. exercise and being dilligent in brushing tooth, right? hi. finally. you finally come. what's that? / i bring juices.

today becomes our healthy day, doesn't it? healthy day. what do you like? here's nut milk. / this one is my favourite. this is nut milk, carrot, lemon. which one should i try? i wanna try this one. i was actually not a vegetable lover,

but since i had sada, i eat a lot of vegetables, because it's a must to force ourselves to eat vegetables. especially for breast milk, and others, right? i don't even eat vegetables until now. seriously? why? i'm a person who really likes vegetables. do you like it? i like it. very delicious. right? / this one's so delicious. you want it? i don't want. / really, it's good.

it doesn't taste like vegetables. / scary. this one tastes like vegetables. that one's not. i'm afraid of eating vegetables. try this one. because you're not breastfeeding anymore, are you? but when i breastfeeded, you didn't eat vegetables? / i did eat vegetables. but, i only ate vegetables, like in noodle dishes. that's not vegetables. please sese, tell her.

my reaction when i heard that sasya didn't like vegetables, to be honest, i'm shocked. in my opinion, especially when you're breastfeeding, you really need to eat vegetables, at least once a day. it looks like wynda is arriving soon. i'll change clothes first. okay, okay. why do your birthday dates... take so long time? because the trips are kinda far, right,

so i did a lot at a time. but your office allowed it? i have a lot of leaves of absence, and i used advantages of... days between two national holidays. finished changing clothes? ready for devilish zumba? she's coming. finally you come. was it traffic jam?

so, are we ready for the devilish zumba? right, i'm nervous. how is zumba? will i be able to do it?... / maybe when we move, we'll say, "ah, this is so devilish." she's a master of yoga. when doing yoga, she can do headstand and all. no, i... that's why i do yoga, what i do are calm exercises. / can i drink this? yes, you can.

when are we starting? i think we should go. / at twelve. around twelve. not much time left. we should go. from hide & seek, we went to soulbbox. we would do zumba. so, that was actually not zumba, but more like freeletics with music. so we call it zumba, with the devil, devilish zumba.

it felt like we're being possessed. i was very excited. it's been a long time since i did zumba, since i gave birth to galan in november. so, almost a year i haven't done zumba. so, i really wanted to join, especially since the instructor was nadia. she was my instructor. throughout the zumba session, my mind just asked, "when will this finish?" cheer up.

i was nervous, because apparently after i did it, it was the hardest exercise i've ever done all this time. it was so hard. after doing the zumba, we all were very hungry. after that, we tried to look for heathy food. we went to ruci's joint. so, at least in a day, i have one healthy meal.

aren't you tired? wasn't that tiring? kinda. only 30 minutes, huh? your clothes were cute. weren't her clothes cute? where did you buy it? i bought it a long time ago. i like the top. i bought it a long time ago. have you checked tokopedia? not yet. tokopedia has it?

there are many. / i have the application. you have? / yes. so, what do i search? / just search for sportswear. so, to clothes section, and then search for... oh right, there are so many clothes. i usually look for the ones with better ratings. choose the ones with better ratings? and with many reviews. / the reviews? okay.

so, how was it? how was devilish zumba? i'm really happy, because it's been a long time since i exercised. you had done zumba with nadia, right? i had. i call her nadia. i used to do zumba with her, before i gave birth. but, was it devilish zumba? / yes, with her. oh, it's heavy. the name of devilish zumba was new.

she did it like that since long time ago. it has been like that. it was named after that because... like it was, when we're cooling down, she asked us to do sit-up 70 times. fifty... crazy. i thought she was joking. i almost vomited. that's why it felt like being possessed after. but, do you guys often...

do routine exercises? if me, yes. thrice a week. i do four times a week. that's the least. but, three times i do with the instructor. the rest i do freeletics on my own, or something else. but, i need to exercise. if i don't exercise, i can't handle two children.

so, when i play with my children, or not even playing, when i take care of the house, i become stronger. if i don't exercise, i think i'll age. now, if i count them, on tuesday and wednesday, i do morning run, jogging, at house. so dilligent in running. / because that... i wasn't... tuesday, wednesday. on thursday night i arrange time with...

squash group at gbk. you also do squash? / yes, but i'm still learning. i just throw. to save time for exercise between activities is now... becoming a need. because for my activities which require me to use my voice a lot, i need long breath and strong stamina. if we open, we just need to type "tips", and everything comes up.

so, i often copy from it. when you guys have breakfast, do you eat heavy meal, or... do you manage it? for me, i have to have breakfast. in my opinion, you should eat the most for breakfast. if not, i don't have energy. i'm really happy because i got... tips from the others. everyone has different activities,

so i'm happy to listen to different tips. all i could do by stealing time is only jogging, that's the most... at least, to move, if not... but tara...weren't you and ucit... doing healthy catering before? oh right. how was that? tell us. it was succeeded. i mean... that helped losing weight very fast. that was mayo. because there were no salt.

they didn't use salt at all. for 14 days. healthy diet that i do is... i limit sweets, fries, and i drink more water. i lost 4 kilograms in 4 days. is it severe? / it's possible. because that's the first 4 days. because of that catering? / because of that catering. but, on the fifth day, i fell from the stairs.

because i kept doing boxing. my pt said, "why are you dieting? no, you can't." "eat. eat meat after this." since i eat a lot, so that my body doesn't expand, i need to always exercise. there are times when i do diet, like after giving birth. i have two children. two times my body got expanded, right?

smaller, bigger, smaller, bigger. there are times when i need to do diet, where i... kick start, in a way. but after that, i better exercise, i strike on it. but then, i can eat normally, because i think... eating has to be enjoyable. if not, your life is so dry. not beautiful. a headline directly. (hot news: holycow's boss has to always eat well)

usually, most people do exercise or diet... to lose weight. most of them. but in my opinion, yes, i think they're more for your body to feel nice. if you have to choose, one by one each of you, between exercise and diet? i choose exercise. i also choose exercise, because i like to eat. i surely choose exercise, but maybe i'll do it by turns.

i just watch what i eat. because in my opinion, if we don't watch our food from now, since we're young, the loss would be later, when we're older. about exercise, to be honest, i'm lazy to do it. so, i better balance... i mean, i'm being aware of what i eat. if you eat junk food, don't eat a lot. and also eat healthy food. the point is, if we really want to live healthy,

we have to be aware of ourselves. if we're hungry, then we eat. if we're full, then we stop eating. so, we have to listen to ourselves.

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