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best zumba classes

best zumba classes

are you guys ready to go to lunch? don’t forget me. i thought you had to brown bag it becauseof your budget. i got a great second job. you did? i thought you spent too much timeat the gym to have time to get a second job. i am at the gym. that’s where i’m makingthe extra money. doing what? i’m a zumba instructor. does it pay well? those classes are about$5 per person.

do the math. use the $5 per person figureand multiply it by the number of people in the class. if i’m an independent instructor,i pay the gym for letting me teach the class in their facility. if i’m an employee, theypay me well to teach the class. why would it pay well? almost anyone who hasbeen taking the class could teach it. no, they can’t. you have to be zumba certifiedto teach. really? like a college degree? no. it is more like a professional you want to know how to be zumba certified? sure. it isn’t a college program. you have toattend one of the zumba certification seminars.

where are those seminars? the zumba certification courses are beingheld all over the country. what on earth do they cover? they cover the standard moves, proper presentation,the need to warm-up, and a few other topics. oh, and they cover legal topics like the standardwaiver every student should sign before taking the class and the different ways to incorporateyour business as a zumba instructor. dance or aerobics classes shouldn’t haveto cover legal topics. if someone with high blood pressure goes througha rigorous workout despite the warning and gets sent to the hospital for chest pains,a properly worded waiver and limited liability

corporation to protect your small businessreduces the odds that you’ll be sued – or lose your house if you were. what are the requirements for the course? you have to pay for the course, of course. how much does it cost? depends on the venue. you need to be able to keep a beat. studentswill lose confidence in you and themselves if you can’t keep the salsa beat. oh, no, this is starting to sound like a baddancing with the stars contest, and that show

has already been going downhill. they don’t test you one the dance moves,you just practice it. that’s several hours of the course. and they give you more forthe $200-$350 you’ll spend to get certified. you’ll get advice on how to market yourzumba classes and a certificate of completion. certified zumba instructors have access tolow cost liability insurance, help on getting licensed to play salsa music in a public settingwithout the riaa suing you and all kinds of things. are you making a lot of money at it? i’ll recoup the zumba certification costsquickly. and because i’m the instructor,

i have the schedule i want to work – likeevenings or weekends. and i don’t have to pay my gym membership anymore, since i getmy workouts now as part of my new job. if you’re making and saving this much money,can you buy lunch?

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