fitness dance workout
hi! my name is helen terry and on behalf ofexpert village i am going to be giving you some beginners tips on the nia technique,it is a revolutionary fitness and personal growth program. the nia technique is a blendof nine different movement forms. they are from the areas of martial arts, dance artsand healing arts. so in the martial arts we have tai chi the slow dance of martial arts.we also have tai kwon do, which is where you have your dance of precision like blocks andpunches and even kicks. then aikido is a spherical harmonious movement aware of 360 degrees aroundyou. so you see with those three martial arts is likely we have three different flavorsfrom the martial arts field. then, in the dance arts i have jazz dance, which is showmanship,the performer, isolation shimmy a whole lot
of fun, we also have duncan dance, which isfrom isadora duncan, it is honest free spirited movements, so in nia that’s why we willhave more community dancing, releve, imagination, creative play and then finally modern dance,which is the expressive shapes in space sensing the spaces as if it is your canvas and yourbody like it is the paint and using your body as a work of art.
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