zumba dance for weight loss
workout and helpful advice. add this video to your favorites it will guide you when you train! 5,4,3,2,1. ready? go! if you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent, to avoid joint problem. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: calf stretch toe pull. ready? go! don’t bend your back, keep it constantly straight. switch side in the shortest time possible. go! be sure not to bend the leg to avoid decreasing effectiveness.
5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: jumping jack. if you are unable to complete this movement, do not jump but instead raise the feet in a lateral direction one at a time. avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, to avoid errors keep the abdominals tight. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: arm rotations. if you can't do it, try the rotations with your hands on shoulders. be sure not to lift your shoulders, keep them down and relaxed. don’t bend your arms, keep them constantly flat. don’t bend your head, keep it always in line with your back.
5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: rear lunges. if you can’t do it, try bending less the legs. don’t touch the floor with the knee of the back leg when you bring down the basin. make sure not to exceed the tip of the foot with the knee of the front leg. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: squat. if you are unable to complete this movement, bend your legs less. when you are performing the descent, be sure not to exceed your toes with your knees. do not curve your back while performing the exercise, to be able to correctly do this, maintain the abdominals and glutes well contracted. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: plank with shoulder touch.
if you can’t do it, try resting your knees on the floor. never lift or lower the pelvis, your head, shoulders and hips should be on the same line. don’t rotate the pelvis to avoid decreasing the effectiveness of the exercise. constantly keep your abs and glutes tight. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: high side plank with leg curl. if you cannot do it, try keeping the inner leg bent and rest it on the ground during the rebound phase. don’t look at the floor, stare at a fixed point in front of you. do not lower or lift your pelvis. head, shoulders, pelvis and heels should follow an imaginary line. do this by keeping your abs tight. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: alternating jumping lunges.
if you are unable to complete the exercise, try completing the lunges, excluding the jumping motion. do not touch the floor with the knee of the back leg when you are bringing down the pelvis. do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, keep your abdominals constantly tight in order to be able to correctly perform the movement. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: back cross lunges. if you can't do it, try bending less the leg in the descent phase. don’t exceed your toes with the front knee to avoid joint problems. don’t place the knee of the back leg on the floor to avoid decreasing the effectiveness of the exercise. next exercise: single leg deadlift.
if you can’t do it, try keeping both feet flat on the floor. don’t bend or curve your back, keep your abs constantly tight. be sure not to bend your bust forward in order to keep your balance. don’t put your foot on the ground during the descent to avoid decreasing the effectiveness of the exercise. be sure not to bend the raised leg, keep it constantly in line with your back. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: dive bomber push-ups. if you are unable to complete this motion, try doing a regular push-up. be sure not to bend your head backwards during the movement, and to constantly maintain the abdominals tight. during the execution, never place the pelvis on the ground in order to maximize the effects of exercise.
5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: standing hip abduction. if you can't do it, try keeping both feet on the ground before lifting the leg. be sure to keep your abs tight for a better balance. don’t turn your head to not risk losing your balance, stare at a fixed point in front of you. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: jump squat. if you can't do it, try doing a simple squat. 3,2,1. stop! next exercise: alternate side lunge touching the ground. be sure not curve your back during the movement. don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent.
don’t lift your heel during the lunge, your foot must always be firmly on the floor. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: triangle + high plank. do not bend your back, keep the abdomen constantly tight. do not bend the neck, your head should always be in line with your back. stare at a fixed point on the floor to help you. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: plank with high speed climbing. do not bend your back, keep it parallel to the floor. keep the abs tight to keep a better balance. do not bend or curve your neck while running. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: front lunges + squat.
if you can't do it, try bending less the legs during the lunges, and do side steps instead of the jumps. don’t exceed the tip of your foot with your knee during the lunges and squats. don’t touch the floor with the knee of the back leg during lunges. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: squat + calf lifts. if you can't do it, slow down the pace and bend less the legs. don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent to avoid joint problems. don’t curve your back during the exercise, keep your abs and glutes constantly tight. next exercise: side leg rotations. if you can't do it, simple perform lifts, instead of rotating the leg.
be sure not to bend the bust, your back should be in line with the shoulders and hips. don’t bend your head, try constantly looking one step ahead of you. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: plank with hip abduction. if you can't do it, try bending your arms by bringing your elbows on the ground and rest the foot on the floor after the movement. don’t lift your butt. your shoulders, hips and feet should constantly be in line. be sure not to bend your neck, your head must remain in line with your back. try staring at a fixed point on the floor to help. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: complete split crunch. never lift your lower back off the floor, contracting the abs will help. do not strain your neck, it helps to stare at a fixed point on the ceiling.
5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: plank and jump. if you cannot do it, try bringing your legs forward without jumping. do not curve your back while your legs are stretched out, try keeping your abs tight. do not bend your arms while jumping. next exercise: front lunges. if you can't do it, try bending less the legs. do not touch the ground with the knee of the back leg when you bring down the pelvis. do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, keep your abdominals tight in order to be able to do this. next exercise: sit-up + contraction.
if you cannot do it, try keeping your legs bent with your feet on the ground. don’t curve your back, keep your abdomen tight. don’t bend your neck, try starting at a fixed point in front of you. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: mountain climbers. if you cannot do it, try resting your foot on the ground when you bring it forward. next exercise: sumo squat. be sure not to raise your heels off the floor. don’t bend or arch your back, keep it constantly straight to avoid problems. keep your abs tight throughout the workout.
next exercise: butt lifts with one resting leg. if you can't do it, try doing regular butt lifts with both feet resting on the floor. never put your butt on the ground during descent, in order to keep the contraction constant. be sure not to raise your shoulder blades off the floor during the exercise. keep your abs and butt constantly tight to improve the effectiveness of the exercise. make sure to keep your feet constantly well placed on the floor. next exercise: triceps dips on floor. if you can’t do it, rest your butt on the ground when you descend. keep your abs tight to avoid injuring in the spine.
don’t turn your elbows during the descent to avoid damaging the joints. don’t over rotate the pelvis, focus your effort on the relaxation of the arms. next exercise: alternating jumping lunges. next exercise: side lunges with raised leg. if you can’t do it, don’t lift your leg when you go up again. be sure not to bend your torso sideways, your back must always be very straight. never exceed the tip of the foot with the knee to avoid damaging the joints. keep your abs constantly tight during the workout to improve balance. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: donkey kicks extended leg.
if you can’t do it, try the donkey kicks with your legs bent at 90â°. be sure not to curve your back during movement. don’t strain your neck, try staring at a fixed point on the floor. don’t stretch out the foot, keep it constantly flexed. perform the exercise slowly to maximize effectiveness. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: alternated power crunch. if you cannot do it, try keeping your feet flat on the floor. do not bend your head, stare at a fixed point in front of you. keep your abs tight to avoid moving the upper body and to avoid burdening your back.
5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: spiderman plank. if you are unable to complete the movement in this way, rest your foot on the ground when you take it forward. do not raise your bottom; your back and glutes should remain constantly in line. to be able to do this, maintain your abdominals tight during the exercise. be sure not to bend the neck. your head should always be in line with your back. be sure not to flex the foot, the heel must always face toward the ceiling. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: back elongation don’t look forward, relax the neck by bringing your forehead to your knees. don’t bend your arms, keep them constantly outstretched. 3,2,1. stop!
next exercise: shoulders and dorsal stretches. do not force the upward thrust; stop when your shoulders have reached their limit. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: triceps stretch. do not overdo the push, stop if you feel pain. do not curve your back when you bring your arm backwards. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: standing quad stretch. in order to keep a good balance, extend your free arm outwards. do not overstretch the leg, the knee should be pointing towards the floor. 5,4,3,2,1. stop! next exercise: standing hamstring stretch.
don’t bend your legs throughout the workout to maintain its effectiveness. don’t bend your torso, keep it constantly straight.
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