how to do zumba
i treat a lot of patients whoparticipate in zumba and other dance type classes and we're starting to see a primaryproblem in in a number of these patients which is simply foot pain and knee pain due to that footrolling in too much and pro-nating too much the reason for this is that many ofthese people wearing dance shoes and many these dance shoes arereally unstable but the reason they want to wear dance shoes is because the dance shoe is smooth under the ball the foot
and these are sports or activities thatrequire pivoting so you actually want something that has very little friction so you canpivot and not put excessive stress on yourankles your knees or your hip so unfortunately though it'sreally difficult to try and find a dance shoe that provides the stability weneed to stop that foot from rolling in too muchso a solution that we've come up with that has worked very very well is to have these patients go get astandard cross-training type of athletic
shoe now, we want a shoe that's fairlyfirm on the heel and doesn't twist too easily. if yougo to our website do a search for our recommended shoes you can print up a list of the shoes werecommend including good cross training shoes but if youtryin use a cross training shoe as it is in a zumba class the problem isthere can be too much catch under here and you go to pivot and you're unable to do so and that again that can cause problems with your
knees, your ankles and your hips so whatwe've been doing lately is number one having the patient get a good stablecross-training type of shoe we put a good either prefabricated or custom orthotic in the shoe in then iwrite a perscription to have the patient take the shoe to a shoe repairshop and have a low-friction dance sole added to the front of the shoe so thatgives them the advantage of having the low-friction under here like a danceshoe but the support they need back here to prevent those problems, again, inthe ankles the hips and knees
and in the foot itself just from itcollapsing too much. so if you are a zumbaparticipant and you're having any type of foot or ankle or leg or knee problem make it a point to see us if you're in thearea. if you're not, find a podiatrist in your area that specializes in orthotics and biomechanics. themes
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