how to do zumba dance at home
workout and helpful advice for burning fat, training muscles and improving health. 5,4,3,2,1, ready? go! if you are unable to complete this movement, do not jump but instead raise the feet in a lateral direction one at a time. avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. add this video to your favorites it will guide you when you train! do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, to avoid errors keep the abdominals tight. next exercises: high knee run + power crunch. ready? go! if you are unable to complete this movement, do not jump. don’t arch your back, keep your abs tight.
next exercises: high punch. ready? go! if you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent, to avoid joint problem. don’t curve your back during the exercise, keep your abs and glutes constantly tight. don’t turn your knees inwards or outwards during the descent phase. next exercises: burpees. ready? go! if you are unable to jump again once you get up, re-do the motion but keeping your knees on the ground. be sure to control the movement when you stretch the body, keeping the abdominals tight. do not bend your arms while jumping.
5,4,3,2,1, stop! next exercises: mountain climber ready? go! do not bend your back, keep it parallel to the floor. keep the abs tight to keep a better balance. do not bend or curve your neck while running. 5,4,3,2,1, stop! next exercises: high plank open and close legs with jump. ready? go! if you cannot do it, try taking one leg at a time to the side without hopping. do not lift your bottom too much during the hop, your back and glutes should remain low in order to concentrate the work in the abdominal area. be sure not to bend your neck, the head should always remain in line with the back. it helps to stare at a fixed point on the ground. 5,4,3,2,1, stop! next exercises: plank and jump. ready? go!
if you cannot do it, try bringing your legs forward without jumping. do not curve your back while your legs are stretched out, try keeping your abs tight. 5,4,3,2,1, stop! next exercises: standing cross crunch. if you can not do it, try not lifting your leg and concentrate on your bust. keep the abdomen constantly tight. do not strain your neck, stare at fixed point in front of you to help you. next exercises: jump jump squat. ready? go! if you cannot do it, try not jumping sideways and when you rise from the squat, lift one foot slightly off the ground. be sure your knees don’t pass your toes during the squat to avoid any joint problems. make sure to bring forward your arms and torso.
do not curve your back during jumps, keep the your abs tight. do not turn your legs inwards or outwards, your knees must be in line with your toes. 5,4,3,2,1, stop! next exercises: spiderman plank. if you are unable to complete the movement in this way, rest your foot on the ground when you take it forward. do not raise your bottom; your back and glutes should remain constantly in line. to be able to do this, maintain your abdominals tight during the exercise. be sure not to bend the neck. your head should always be in line with your back. be sure not to flex the foot, the heel must always face toward the ceiling. 5,4,3,2,1, stop! next exercises: high knee run. if you are unable to complete this movement try slowing down the pace.
do not rest your heels on the ground; finish the descent on your toes. do not bend or curve your back. maintain your torso straight by staring at a fixed point in front of you while contracting your abdominals. next exercises: jump squat. if you can't do it, try bending less the legs during the squat. when you are performing the descent besure not to exceed your toes with your knees. don't bend your head, try staring at a fixed point in front of you. during the descent, do not bend the legs inwardly or outwardly, the knees should always be in line with your feet. next exercises: side step + butt kick. ready? go! do not bend or curve your back, maintain your torso straight by staring at a fixed point in front of you, while contract your abdominals.
don’t bend your head, try constantly looking one step ahead of you. next exercises: standing full side crunch. ready? go! try not lifting your leg and concentrate on your bust. don’t bend the neck sideways to avoid forcing it. be sure not to lean the bust forward, the shoulders should be in line with your hips. 5,4,3,2,1, stop! next exercises: walking with hands. if you cannot do it try slowing down thepace. don’t curve your back, keep it parallel to the floor. try keeping the abs constantly tight. don’t lift your head, stare at a fixed spot on the floor.
5,4,3,2,1, stop! next exercises: low plank with raised leg. ready? go! if you cannot do it, try resting the lifted foot on the floor. don’t lift your bottom too much, your back and bottom must always remain in line. try keeping your abs tight during the whole exercise. be careful not to bend your neck, your head should always be in line with your back. switch side in the shortest time possible. go! be sure not to flex the foot, the heel must always face towards the ceiling. 5,4,3,2,1, stop!
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